I very rarely, if ever, discuss things outside of architecture and project management in my blog. Today will be an exception.
I was sitting in the Minneapolis airport last night waiting for a flight to Seattle. Of course, CNN is blaring on the video monitors throughout the terminal and no matter where I tried to sit and get some peace before the flight and subsequent long drive to Portland, the pundits were in full-force - Obama this, McCain that...Biden's latest gaffe...Palin's wardrobe...yada yada yada..and on and on and on...
My oldest turned 18 last week, and she will be voting on Tuesday. Of course, youth is mostly liberal, as I was back in those days (middle-of-the-road now as I aged :)) and she yammered to me on a phone call about Obama. He'll do this, he'll do that, he'll...fix everything.
Youth being what it is - optimistic, is OK. However, I calmed her down a bit with the following factoids from my own existence on this planet:
- I was born in 1958, and have lived through the terms of 10 presidents - the one elected Tuesday will be the 11th.
- In my lifetime, no president ever was directly responsible for getting me a job or paying work of any kind. Come to think of it, no congresscritter was either.
- No president, by his own actions, lowered the price of gasoline or food when severe bouts of inflation hit over the years.
- No president ever put money directly in my pocket. For example, I didn't qualify for the recent stimulus payment because since I work very hard, I made too much money - to the tune of about $9000, not $9 million. Had it been the latter figure, I don't think I would have cared that much...:)
- Lots of presidents, of both parties, were good at taking money out of my pocket...the first president Bush comes to mind here..read my lips...:)
- Polls don't mean crap - it's what happens at the end. In 2004, Kerry was projected in the week before that election to beat GW Bush in enough states to win - and we all know how that ended up.
My point to my daughter is that we expect too much from presidents, and delivered right now. Fix this economy. Get out of Iraq. Pay for proper and good education and healthcare. Protect our jobs. Pay me if I'm unemployed - no matter for how long it takes to find work. Save my house from foreclosure, even if I can't (or couldn't ever) really afford it in the first place. Oh yeah, and don't raise my taxes - make the 'rich' pay. Now. In 100 days. Or less.
The truth is, presidents do not have that kind of power, and never did. If they did, then things would be fixed to the extent possible - pronto. We expect too much, too fast, and presidents really cannot deliver much on the rhetoric they espouse on the campaign trail - that is primarily said to get elected - not as policy after the fact.
We are in the midst of a very deep economic conundrum, and you can bank on things changing in lots of ways over the upcoming months, but I don't believe that the soon-to-be-elected president is going to have much to do with it except for the properly-cued sound bites and talks with foreign governments. Talk, not action.
So is it the media that's infatuated with all of this? It would appear so, since my POVs are shared by a lot of friends, colleagues, and family. We all vote and have strong opinions. The constant pandering back and forth is to appease and assuage our moment-by-moment, out-of-control media..who feeds us with constant breaking-news drivel to retain our attention to the advertising they present to pay their way and make a profit.
I can't wait for Wednesday morning, when the signal-to-noise ratio will skew rapidly to signal...the noise right now is deafening...and yes, I have voted, as I always do since we vote by mail here in Oregon.
And we can get on to the business of the challenges we face, as the people, on numerous fronts. These issues are complex, risky, and people will probably have to sacrifice some things they came to expect in order to make things right. But I have no doubt that we will prevail in the end, no matter who gets elected. That is the continuing beauty of our great American nation - all of us.
I'm Bob McIlree, and I approve of this message. :)