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    « Carnival of Enterprise Architecture #2 | Main | The Problems With Modeling »


    Timothy Johnson

    Hi Robert - good assessment. I can see why you might be questioning the bi-polar. The executive in question was definitely alpha male, but it was his behavior over the "long haul" that cinched the bi-polar diagnosis. He could be happy as a clam one moment and turn on a dime and be violently rude the next... all over seemingly nothing. And his reactions were inconsistent (as stated in the article). Issues to which he should have been sensitive and animated were treated with a devil-may-care attitude, while small concerns would cause eruptions. The bi-polar assessment was pretty consistent across his subordinates and peers as well. Some even speculated that he was on medication.

    Still, great thoughts in your post. The "alpha male" is also alive and well in corporate America. Based on the limited information I provided in my original post, I think your cautionary assessment is well merited.

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